Hysteroscopic Myomectomy - Endoscopic Myomectomy

Myomectomy is a surgery that serves to treat uterine fibroids. Certain symptoms like pelvic pain, heavy periods, irregular bleeding, or frequent urination may lead the doctors to suggest the removal of fibroids that might be causing the troubles. Let us navigate through the article to know the different types of surgeries and other important details.

Medcy IVF plays an important role in empowering women's health through safe solutions for safer and effective myomectomy procedures.

Quality Care

Excellent Care from Top Doctors

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International standard Techniques

What is Myomectomy?

Myomectomy is a surgical procedure recommended for women with symptom-showing fibroids. The procedure helps successfully remove trouble-causing fibroids and preserve the uterine tissues for further pregnancies. Such surgeries are recommended to treat fibroids that surpass the possibilities of being treated using medications and other treatment options.

Types of Myomectomy

Basically, there are three common types of myomectomies.

Other types include the following:

Recovery Times for the Surgery

Every surgical procedure has different recovery times:

Medcy IVF: Your Partner in Boosting Fertility

Medcy aims to deliver complete support to patients who are willing to get a myomectomy. We help patients navigate the process with trust and supply the necessary resources to drive informed decisions about their treatment. We connect patients with experienced specialists capable of providing personalized bits of advice and consultations regarding myomectomy.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, or fertility issues, our skilled team is here to provide you with effective treatment options.

With our expertise in myomectomy techniques, including minimally invasive approaches such as laparoscopic or robotic-assisted procedures, we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the treatment process.

Our compassionate team will guide you through the journey, from pre-operative evaluations to post-operative care.  We bring you assured personalized experiences tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step towards freedom from fibroids and regain control of your health by contacting us today.