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    PGS-Preimplantation Genetic Screening - Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A)

    Welcome to our PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening), where we offer cutting-edge genetic screening technology to help you on your journey to parenthood. This remarkable advancement in reproductive medicine allows for identifying genetic abnormalities in embryos before implantation. At Medcy, we employ a team of highly skilled experts committed to providing you with the most accurate and comprehensive genetic screening available.

    Our goal is to empower you with valuable information and support, ensuring that you can make informed decisions for a healthy and happy future for your family. Explore our PGS services and embark on this extraordinary path towards achieving your dreams of parenthood!

    Medcy creates revolutionary services for healthcare. Our skilled professionals connect with you to meet your expectations. Keeping your choices in priority, we bridge the gap between quality medical services and patients with cost-effective plans of your choice.

    Quality Care

    Excellent Care from Top Doctors

    Latest Treatments

    International standard Techniques

    How Medcy IVF assists with PGS?

    Medcy IVF has been a beacon of encouragement for couples who face fertility issues or feel insecure about their paternal future. We respect their privacy, and they can trust us for fertility treatments. For couples or individuals who preserve embryos through IVF or any other treatment, we check for your baby's physical, mental, and genetic growth.

    What is Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)?

    Preimplantation genetic screening or PGS is a procedure of genetic testing the chromosomes of the embryos created by In-Vitro fertilization (IVF).

    This testing is generally used to identify any abnormalities of chromosomes, which include:

    Why Should PGS be Considered?

    PGS is a screening procedure to identify whether an embryo from IVF is growing under a normal chromosomal condition. This is a more effective procedure than a traditional microscopic observation. It also helps to increase the chance of delivering a healthy baby.

    PGS is recommended to candidates under the following conditions:

    How is PGS Performed?

    PGS is performed under multiple steps, which include:

    Why Medcy?

    There are multiple latest treatments available in medical science, but we understand your dilemma in choosing one of them. We at Medcy IVF connect you to experienced professionals and advanced genetic technologies for your fertility treatment. We respect your privacy concerns and support you through the journey.

    Experience peace of mind and confidence as you navigate the journey of assisted reproduction with our PGS services. Our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way, offering personalized care and support throughout the entire process. Whether you are seeking to reduce the risk of genetic disorders, increase the chances of successful implantation, or simply want to ensure the best possible outcome for your future child, our PGS services provide the answers you need.

    Discover the possibilities and embark on a path towards building a healthy and happy family. Trust in our expertise, and let us be a part of your remarkable journey towards parenthood.