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    Vitrification - Cryopreservation


    We understand the dilemma of going through lots of confusing information, especially in the case of preserving your reproductive cells. With Medcy IVF, expert consultation with skilled doctors is at your service. Based on your unique concerns, we fulfil your expectations and meet your choice.

    Trust the most reliable vitrification partner-Medcy and have a hassle-free rapid freezing of embryos or oocytes (eggs) to preserve them for future use.

    Medcy IVF: Securely Store Your Future via Vitrification

    Individuals at the prime of their reproductive health can secure their future with us. Our consultants can assist you in reaching the best decisions. In case of storing your embryo, oocyte, sperm, organs, cells and tissues, Medcy is the platform you can trust for complete privacy. Individuals can opt for Vitrification rather than cryopreservation to store their future. It can decrease the cost as well as the time consumption of the patient.

    Purpose of Vitrification

    Vitrification has mostly been used in material science, medical and biological fields. Cooling of a substance can be done at -196 degrees with a cooling rate of 10,000 degrees Celsius per second. A modern form of cryopreservation, Vitrification helps to successfully store human sperm, embryo, ovarian tissue, and oocyte in healthcare more quickly and effectively. It helps cancer patients or other diseased patients who are worried about their future fertility. Healthy individuals who are fertile and want to delay their plans of having children for few more years but want to retain their healthy cells for future can also opt for vitrification. Embryologists and reproductive specialists mostly use it to detect damaged cells and preserve healthy ones for a safe future.

    Quality Care

    Excellent Care from Top Doctors

    Latest Treatments

    International standard Techniques

    How Will Vitrification Serve You?

    There are plenty of applications of Vitrification for several purposes. They are:

    Take Our Services from Your Home

    Individuals searching for medical treatments that need special requirements can connect with us anytime, anywhere. We offer information regarding the following:

    Medcy IVF: Preserve Your Future

    Candidates needing to cure diseases or deal with infertility issues must select the right choices for their treatment and preserve their embryos or gametes to achieve their goals. Medcy IVF Centre provides patients with the best suitable options to secure their future with numerous services for their guidance. Reach out to us and be stress-free from being stuck in any medical problem because we are now the solution to your healthcare issues.